Total WBC Count / T-Leukocyte Count

Requirement :-
Reagent :- WBC Diluting fluid.
                    WBC Diluting fluid hemolysis the RBC due to acidity. So that the counting of white cells become easy. The following are the formula of turk solution -----

a)      Acetic Acid glacial                 2      ml
b)      Distilled water (q.s)               100  ml
c)      Aqueous methylene blue   -  10 drops solution (0.3 % w/v)

Note :- Methylene blue solution is prepaired by dissolving 0.3 gram of methylene blue in 100 ml of distilled water. The methylene blue solution should be filtered before adding to the acid solution. Gentain violet ( 1 ml of 1% solution w/v) can be used inplace of methylene blue.

Equipment  :-
a)      Sahli’s Pipette (  20 micro liter )
b)     E Flask (25 ml) or test tube
c)      Microscope
d)     Hemocytometer with Cover slip
e)      Rubber tubing for mouth pipeting, surgical Gauze.
Procedure : -

1)      A dry cleaned test tube is taken and marked as ( T ).
2)      0.38 ml of diluting fluid is taken into the tube.
3)      With the help of sahli’s pipette well mixed anti coagulated is drawn up to the marked of 20 micro liter.
4)      The pipette is held in the horigental position. To check the appropriate amount of specimen and the out slide of the pipette is wiped out.
5)      The Blood is added to the tube containing diluting fluid. The blood pipette is rinsed 3 times and left inside the tube.
6)      The blood specimen is mixed gentaly by swirling and left undisturbed for 2 minute for completing hemolysis . the dilution of the blood 1:20 (in twenty)
7)      The counting chamber is filled with diluted specimen with the help of pipette weight for 2 minute.
8)      The counting chamber is placed on the stage of the microscope. And focused under low power on one of the ‘W” marked four corner square.
9)      The white cell are identified by there blue color  with a dark dot in the center (Nucleus).
10)  The cell are counted systematically applying the margin rule.
11)  The WBC count on the other side of the chamber an average is made of the count. The cells count is calculated applying following formula.

No of WBC (per micro liter) of whole blood.

                                                No of Cells counted X  Dilution
                                   =          ----------------------------------------
                                                Area counted  X  Depth Of Fluid
Where dilution     =      2.0
Area counted        =     4 x 1 sq mm
                             =      4 sq mm
Depth of fluid      =     0.1 mm (constant)

Factor                 =      ----------
                                      4 x 0.

                          =      ----------
                          =     50
Thus as long as the dilution and area counted are main constant the above formula can be simpli9fied as-------
= No of cells Counted  X  50
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