Capillary Puncture Method

A capillary is a small blood vessel connecting the small arteries to the small vein, the capillary blood is as tained by skin puncture of blood specimen for making as blood smear (D.C) cell count or haematocrit determination . skin puncture specimen is prefared over vein puncture specimen for the study of a blood smear . the skin puncture is specially recommended for babies and where vein puncture is different (old prolonged sickness three site chosen for skin puncture are-------------
a)      Finger puncture (Tip of the finger for adults are older children)
b)      Heel puncture chosen for infants
c)      Ear lob puncture chosen for all but not occasionally done.

Capillary  Puncture Procedure : -

1)      The necessary equipments are assembied lancet, alcohol pad, any surgical gauze , capillary tubes microscope slide and other supplies. It made sure that the patient is seated comfortably.
2)       A stop on the middle finger or using finger of the left hand is fond out. Toe puncture and ear puncture are done in case of infants whenever possible previous puncture site should be avoided.
3)      The site is clean with a sterial cotton swab deep 70 % alcohol then the site is dried with a dry cotton swab. This will removed dirt and epithelial debris warm up the part chosen for preking, increase the blood  circulation and rive area reitivley ,sterile clod skin may prevent a free flow of blood. If the puncture site is wet the blood doesn’t  form into well-roupeded drops.
4)      The finger is grasped firmly and made a quick firm puncture with a sterile lancet that should be 2 – 3 mm deep. A deep puncture hun to know more than  a superficial one and it gives much more satisfactory flow of blood. If it doesn’t a gentake pressure is applied to form a round drop blood.
5)      The first drop of blood is wiped away eith cotton swab, the first drop of blood is container with tissue fluid and will intentere laboratory result if used.
6)      The specimen is collected by holding a capillary tube hot determination or by seeking in to sahlis  pipette for HB determination and blood count or by touching the drop rapid collection is necessary to prevent coagulation.
7)      After the blood specimen is collected  the patient is asked gauze pice over the puncture site until the bleeding has stopped.

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